Who we are
Since 1959, solutions for your beauty and health
IBICI has always been close to a careful consumer who thinks that the beauty is like an expression of the body harmony. IBICI has had a precise mission for years: to listen the women’s needs and to turn them in innovative solutions.
Established in 1959, IBICI was foremost in the use of elastan yarn LYCRA® in production of high quality support hosiery. From this experimentation was born the SEGRETA® compression hosiery line that is today a well known brand in the medical device hosiery segment.
In the Seventies IBICI widens its production into a complete range of fashion and classic pantyhose, stockings, stay ups and knee highs from 8 to 280 deniers, from glossy to super matte finish, from summery sheer to ultra soft shaping microfiber items.
Very well known since over fifty years on the Italian market, the IBICI products are distributed by a widespread and efficacious net of agents. The various IBICI products are commercialised worldwide through qualified distributors and agents.
In October 2009 IBICI has joined the P.L.U.S. Srl company, already owner of the famous high quality hosiery brand OMERO, a well known and appreciated by women who look for fashionable Made in Italy quality products.
Certified Italian quality
A touch of Italian essence
IBICI/SEGRETA has obtained the certificate ITALIAN LEGWEAR a touch of excellence®.In fact all the products IBICI/SEGRETA are 100% Made in Italy, sign of national excellence, not just in terms of design, but also in terms of careful attention to health, environment, partners and the whole supply chain.
OEKO-TEX® certification Standard 100
All the dyeing processes are certificated OEKO TEX® Standard 100, system of controlling and certification for the textile products, that grants the use of non-harmful materials for its workers and its consumers. Compliance with human – ecological requirements is a mandatory and fundamental duty according to the corporate ethics.
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001 is an important certification, highly spread worldwide. The qualification to this certificate guarantees the presence of specific requirements of a quality management scheme. The product offer is presented following the implementation of effective and constantly improving systems. The conformity to the contractual requests and the applicable laws assure an increasing of the satisfaction degree of our consumers.
ISO 13485:2016
The international law deals with the medical devices section. In particular, it is addressed to the companies involved in the development and production of medical devices, as well as in the supply of the related services. The main aim is to specify the requirements for the quality management system of these companies. The 2016 version has improved and completed the previous version, clearing and specifying in a deep way the needed requirements, taking into consideration also the international laws. ISO 13485:2016 aims to help the global harmony of the requirements imposed by the laws about the medical devices.
The GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certification, promoted by Textile Exchange, recognises the importance of the recycling process for a sustainable production and consumption model.
GRS aims to reduce the resources consumption, while manufacturing high quality items from recycled materials.
The GRS certification ensures the presence of recycled materials in the final product; the maintenance of traceability throughout the supply chain; the reduction of chemicals use and the respect of environmental criteria.
The Global Recycled standard guarantees that all products are composed of at least 20% of pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled materials. Moreover, it also ensures that the manufacturing processes required during the recycled material processing comply with specific management procedures and standardised models.
Prodotti soggetti a detrazione fiscale
Siamo lieti di informare che le spese sostenute per l’acquisto delle calze & collant a marchio Segreta, riconosciute come dispositivi medici *, potranno essere presentate a fini di detrazione fiscale dall’IRPEF (ai sensi dell’art. 15 comma 1 lett. C del TIUR). La percentuale di rimborso verrà stabilita annualmente a seconda della legge di Stabilità.
La qualifica del prodotto come dispositivo medico è rilevabile consultando la “Banca dati dei dispositivi medici” pubblicato sul sito del Ministero della Salute.
Al fine di poter usufruire della detrazione fiscale è necessario seguire uno dei seguenti iter a seconda che si tratti di un acquisto effettuato direttamente dall’azienda (siti web inclusi) o un acquisto effettuato presso un punto vendita.
- ACQUISTO DIRETTAMENTE DALL’AZIENDA – Nello specifico caso in cui il prodotto classificato come dispositivo medico sia stato acquistato direttamente dall’azienda, dunque è quest’ultima che emette la fattura, il cliente dovrà solamente conservarla in quanto essa presenterà tutti i requisiti necessari per ottenere la detrazione fiscale. La fattura infatti riporterà il codice fiscale del soggetto che sostiene la spesa, la descrizione del prodotto comprendente anche la dicitura fondamentale “prodotto con marcatura CE e conforme alla direttiva europea 93/42/CEE”.
- ACQUISTO PRESSO UN PUNTO VENDITA – Nello specifico caso in cui il prodotto classificato come dispositivo medico sia stato acquistato da un punto vendita, è sufficiente:
– Conservare lo scontrino fiscale, sul quale deve essere riportato in maniera evidente il codice fiscale del soggetto che ha sostenuto la spesa.
– Conservare la confezione del prodotto “Segreta”.
– Scaricare e conservare copia della dichiarazione di conformità alla direttiva europea 93/42/CEE.
* Con circolare 13 Maggio 2011, n.20, l’Agenzia delle Entrate ha chiarito che si definiscono dispositivi medici i prodotti che rientrano nella definizione di “dispositivo medico” di cui gli artt. 1, comma 2, dei Decreti Legislativi di settore n. 507/1992, n.46/1997, n.332/2000 e al contempo, sono conformi, con certificazione di conformità, alle citate norme, e riportano pertanto il marchio “CE” in base alle direttive europee di settore.